Where do these coins Blong?
Focus on the CCPIA: Where do these coins Blong (sic)?
by Paul Barford
Thomas Albert ... reckons that restricting the import into the US market of coins that lack documentation of lawful export is "insane" (coins circulated in the past, don't ya' know) "I do not think - looking at his analogies - that he has quite grasped what the MOU is about
"The logic used in this MOU is flawed and smells of corruption and greed of the few. The question is, who is getting paid off? The agency with political favors? Individuals standing to profit in the future? Or is it an effort to limit the desemination of knowledge, so over time people forget a little more of the real history because a few will totally control the content and distribution of whatever they deem as valued knowledge? We went to war with England to gain our liberty, freedom and our rights to know and grow as a nation. In one fell swoop, you have laid waste to those very ideals."
" ... and I thought they went to war in effect to avoid paying King George their taxes. It turns out they went to war so their descendants can bring shame on their nation by standing up for their rights to continue collecting smuggled coins from other countries. Pathetic."
> and I thought they went to war in effect to avoid paying King George their taxes.
Which extremely inaccurate perspective is entirely consistent with archaeo-Goebbels' views regarding everything other than archaeology.
> It turns out they went to war so their descendants can bring shame on their nation by standing up for their rights to continue collecting smuggled coins from other countries.
Their descendants have every right under US law to stand up for their longstanding and legitimate rights to continue collecting ancient coins licitly imported from other countries. Archaeo-Goebbels however does not recognize US law or its foundation the Constitution, instead preferring to base his views upon his own edicts from his throne of magical self-declared moral authority in far-off, cloud-borne Wolkenkuckucksheim.
> Pathetic.
A much too favorable description of archaeo-Goebbels, his utterly insignificant (and brief) career as an archaeologist, his malicious and evil views regarding collecting, and every other twisted, deranged aspect of this embittered failure's miserable and impoverished existence as a cab driver (and occasional document translator) in balmy Warsaw Poland -- where the temperature is presently 37 degrees Fahrenheit.